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Making a positive impact in our community

About ARGA

At ARGA, we are dedicated to supporting and empowering the Guinean community in Atlanta. Our mission is to provide a platform where Guineans can connect, collaborate, and thrive. We aim to foster a strong sense of community, preserve our cultural heritage, and promote social and economic advancement for Guineans in Atlanta.

Changing lives, one step at a time

ARGA is creating opportunities for everyone in our community and is committed to building a better world. So join us in creating a better tomorrow

Uniting for a common cause

Empowering our community to thrive

Why It Is Important

ARGA, through the Guinean Association in Atlanta, has become an invaluable resource and a pillar of support for Guineans residing in the region. The association’s commitment to fostering unity, preserving our cultural heritage, and empowering our community members is truly commendable.!

Fatime B

Guinean American

One aspect that stands out is ARGA’s dedication to supporting Guinean businesses and entrepreneurs. The association has played a pivotal role in nurturing economic growth and providing opportunities for our business community to thrive.

Mariama Djello B


I am also deeply grateful for the cultural initiatives and events organized by ARGA. Through vibrant festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, and cultural exchanges, the association has beautifully showcased the richness and diversity of Guinean culture.

Mohamed K

About ARGA

The ARGA (The Guinean community in Atlanta) is a non-profit organization that represents the Guinean community in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. The organization aims to promote cultural, educational, social, and economic activities that support and enhance the welfare of the Guinean community in Atlanta.

About Community

People should be allowed to celebrate who they are and battle against the obvious oppression there is. People need to learn about different cultures and backgrounds! Support the right of all people to be happy!

ARGA © 2023. All Rights Reserved.
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Together we can make a difference