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Protect Your Child from Bullying at School

Bullying can have a significant impact on a child's emotional well-being, academic performance, and overall development. As a parent, it is crucial to take proactive measures to protect your child from bullying at school. By being aware of the signs, fostering open communication, and working collaboratively with the school, you can create a safe and…

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About ARGA

The ARGA (The Guinean community in Atlanta) is a non-profit organization that represents the Guinean community in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. The organization aims to promote cultural, educational, social, and economic activities that support and enhance the welfare of the Guinean community in Atlanta.

About Community

People should be allowed to celebrate who they are and battle against the obvious oppression there is. People need to learn about different cultures and backgrounds! Support the right of all people to be happy!

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