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ARGA Activities,

The ARGA ( Association of Guinean community in Atlanta). is a non-profit organization that represents the Guinean community in the metropolitan area of Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. The organization aims to promote cultural, educational, social, and economic activities that support and enhance the welfare of the Guinean community in Atlanta.

ARGA organizes various events and activities throughout the year, including cultural celebrations, educational seminars, and community outreach programs. The organization also works to build relationships with other African communities and organizations in Atlanta and advocates for the rights and interests of the Guinean community in the local area.

We need you to come and support the ARGA. Together we can change the Georgia!

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Members in GA
Members in USA

Our Mission

At ARGA (Associates for Guineans in Atlanta), our mission is to unite and empower the Guinean community in Atlanta. We are dedicated to promoting cultural preservation, facilitating social and economic advancement, and fostering a strong sense of belonging and solidarity among Guineans residing in the Atlanta area. 

Through our programs, services, and collaborative efforts, we strive to create a thriving community that celebrates our shared heritage, supports one another, and contributes to the overall growth and success of Guineans in Atlanta.

Community Engagement

We organize various events and gatherings throughout the year to bring Guineans together. From cultural celebrations and festivals to networking events and educational workshops, we strive to create opportunities for meaningful connections and community building.

Advocacy and Support

We are committed to advocating for the needs and interests of the Guinean community. We provide support and guidance on various issues, including immigration, education, healthcare, and legal matters. Our team is here to offer assistance and ensure that Guineans have access to the resources and services they need.

Education and Skills Development

We understand the importance of education and skills development for personal and professional growth. We offer workshops, seminars, and mentoring programs to help Guineans enhance their skills, explore educational opportunities, and excel in their chosen fields.

Cultural Preservation

Preserving our cultural heritage is a cornerstone of our organization. We organize cultural events, such as dance performances, music concerts, and art exhibitions, to showcase the richness and diversity of Guinean culture. Through these activities, we aim to foster pride and appreciation for our traditions among both Guineans and the wider Atlanta community.

Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment

We believe in empowering Guineans to become successful entrepreneurs and achieve economic independence. Through training, mentorship, and access to business resources, we encourage entrepreneurship and help individuals start and grow their businesses.

Rights Protection

Let's Stand Together for ARGA

ARGA Variety of goals

Let’s drive change with ARGA

Our vision at ARGA is to be the leading organization for Guineans in Atlanta, recognized for our commitment to empowering individuals, advocating for their rights, and promoting the richness of Guinean culture.

We envision a future where Guineans in Atlanta have access to a supportive network, comprehensive resources, and opportunities for personal and professional development. We aim to build bridges across generations, strengthen community bonds, and serve as a catalyst for positive change and progress within the Guinean community. With a focus on unity, inclusivity, and empowerment, we aspire to create a vibrant and flourishing Guinean presence in Atlanta that is celebrated and respected by all.


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Sponsorship Opportunities

We are looking for sponsors to support our community. For details and a customized benefits package, please contact us at +1 770-990-4766 or 678-662-1367 or 678-791-3577

ARGA Guinean Association © 2023. All Rights Reserved.